The role of organizational learning in the effect of Machiavellianism on job satisfaction

Machiavellianism, Organizational Learning, Job SatisfactionAbstract
Employees with high job satisfaction are among the basic dynamics for organizational performance and competitive advantage. In this context, it is necessary to identify the factors that will increase employees’ job satisfaction and develop organizational strategies for these factors. In the current study, it is aimed to determine the mediating role of organizational learning in the effect of Machiavellianism on job satisfaction. In the study, 385 participants working at universities in Istanbul were sampled and data were collected using self-report scales. In the analysis of the data, structural equation modeling was established using partial least squares method with Smart PLS 4. The results revealed that Machiavellianism decreased both job satisfaction and organizational learning, while organizational learning increased job satisfaction. However, organizational learning played a mediating role in the effect of Machiavellianism on job satisfaction. Based on the research findings, it is thought that in order to prevent the negative effects of Machiavellianism on job satisfaction, strategies should be created to reinforce the learning organizational culture.
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