The effects of industry 4.0 technologies on the future of workforce and professions

Industry 4.0, work force, digitalisation, society 5.0Abstract
The digital transformation caused by Industry 4.0 has affected all the processes related to workforce market. Not only have business models changed in this new transformation process, but the way of doing business has also started to change along with the qualifications and professions required in work life. Emerged as a result of the digitalisation in the production process, Industry 4.0 has brought innovations which need to be understood as well as analysed thoroughly in terms of its immediate effects on the workforce market. This study aims to analyse the requirements and effects of the workforce market which has changed and transformed with new technologies in terms of professions and the ways of doing business in the future. In this scope, a literature review has been made with a descriptive approach, which is then followed by the evaluation of opinions on the topic. The study mentions the historical process of industrial revolutions and explains the technologies used in Industry 4.0. In addition, the other issues discussed in the study are the future innovations in work life as a result of the technological change caused by Industry 4.0, professions and professional talent transformations, and the concept of Society 5.0. Thanks to Industry 4.0, we now have a lot of innovative technologies such as three dimensional printers, the internet of objects, smart factories, cyber physical systems, big data, autonomous robots, simulation, cloud informatics systems, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. Based on all these developments, this study puts forth policy suggestions necessary to apply in order to improve socially and economically in this digital transformation brought by Industry 4.0.
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