Investigation of the factors affecting the unemployment period wıth life analysis methods

Life Analysis, Kaplan-Meier, Cox Regression, Unemployment Period, Life TableAbstract
Unemployment refers to the fact that some of the people who are able and willing to work do not have a job for various reasons. Although unemployment varies according to the social and ekonomic conditions of the countries, it is encountered as one of the problems most countries struggle with. Turkey is a country that struggles with high unemployment rates seen in almost every period over the years. For this reason, it is vey important to investigate the factors affecting the duration of unemployment.
The aim of this study; determine the factors affecting the annual unemployment duration, by using the Income and Living Condition Survey of Turkey Statistical Institute fort he year 2015-2018 with Life Analysis Methods. In the study, the avarage duration of unemployment in the reference year of individuals was estimated by life expectancy analysis. The probability of the individuals being unemplyment using the Life Table method, one of the life analysis methods, average unemployment duration and the factors affecting unemplyment wew determined with the Kaplan-Meier and Cox Regression method.
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