Industry 4.0 implementation in the media sector: TRT example

Industry 4.0, Digitalization, TRTAbstract
Production techniques of the media industry are changing rapidly. This change first occurred with the effect of globalization and digitalization. Later, industry 4.0 production techniques were developed.
It is thought that media companies that prepare their infrastructures by foreseeing the industry 4.0 process will be able to gain a high level of competitive power. Private sector media companies and public broadcasting institutions in Turkey; it is interpreted that investing in industry 4.0 and adjusting their broadcast production accordingly is no longer a choice but an obligation.
The reason for choosing the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) in the field research of this article is the investments it has made in digital technology in the last 12 years as a public institution. In addition, the administrative, financial and technical investments made for globalization alignment are very important. Although TRT institution has been criticized by the public for its broadcasting policies, it is thought that it has surpassed private sector broadcasting enterprises and other public institutions with its globalization adaptation studies and digitalization investments.
The study was conducted to set an example for the policies and regulations that show how industry 4.0 technologies can be applied in a broadcasting institution. for this purpose, TRT's industry 4.0 investments; the literature has been examined through field research and interviews. Interviewed TRT experts are specified as A1, A2 and A3.
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