Application of balanced results card adapted to local goverments and Küçükçekmece Municipality example

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strategic management, performance measurament, performance management, balanced scorecard


It is known that a good performance audit increases accountability in public services and the trust of citizens in the municipality. For this reason, the Balanced Scorecard application is seen as an application method with proven effectiveness in measuring performance, especially in enterprises. However, its awareness in local governments is very low.It is thought that this research will be a work that will shed light on all local local governments and its applicability in local governments will increase.

As a result of the study; Küçükçekmece Municipality Performance Report Card (Balance Scorecard) was prepared. In addition, it was observed that the dimensions in the Balanced Scorecard correspond to the strategic areas determined by the municipalities and that the municipalities have implemented the Balanced Scorecard for performance management, but they are not aware that they have implemented it.


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How to Cite

BAŞPINAR, N., İKİER, T., & KAYA, N. (2021). Application of balanced results card adapted to local goverments and Küçükçekmece Municipality example. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 8(3), 389–400.



Research Articles