Strategic Management, SME, Managers, Karaman OIZAbstract
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main economic actors in terms of the healthy development of the countries’ economies and the increase of social welfare level. The continuity and success of these enterprises also have some social effects. Socially, effective use of capital, employment creation potential, support for the development and effective meeting of customer demands are among its most important and strategic features. The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge of SME managers in Karaman province about strategic management discipline tools and to reveal their views on strategic management. Within the scope of the research, SMEs in the Karaman Organized Industrial Zone were determined according to the complete count method and a questionnaire study was applied. The differences in opinion and knowledge level according to the demographic variables of the participants were analyzed. According to the results of the research, there is a significant positive relationship between education level and strategic management awareness.
JEL codes: M1, M13, L21
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