Workload, Burnout, Call CenterAbstract
The Call Centers gained a significant volume both at national and global level, especially with technological developments during the acceleration of development since 2000s. This development has led to increases in terms of workforce, as well as the fact that call centers do business based on the requirements of production and efficiency and profit making have brought a natural workload. The increase in competition brought with it the obligation to reduce costs, which has led to an increase in working hours and workload for call centers, thereby creating a certain level of profitability. Workload is a determining factor affecting performance outcomes for both employer and employee. Employees mostly complain about their workloads, their motivation and performance decrease, resulting in negative reactions such as burnout in the medium and long term. The main effects of workload are feelings of stress and burnout.
In the study of call center employees operating in Turkey workload, work aimed to investigate the effect on feelings of burnout. The questionnaire on the scales used on the basis of the model created in the research was applied to 850 people working in the call center sector in Istanbul and Anatolian provinces. With the analysis, the effect of the relationship between workload and burnout at work was examined. According to the research findings, the effect of workload on sense of burnout at work is quite evident. When the workload increases, it is seen that the burnout tendencies of the employees also increase. According to this result, the correct evaluation of the workload balances of the call center managers is important for the forward-looking business results of the institution.
JEL codes: I19, J24, L89, M1
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