University, Mission, Vision, Innovation, Marmara RegionAbstract
Although they are institutions affected by the rapid change and transformation process in the world, universities are among the sources that bring this change and transformation. Since the change and transformation process is continuous, universities should always aim novelties that creates institutional and social value –in other words, innovation-. The objectives and future foresights of institutions are announced through mission and vision statements. The mission and vision determined by the top management of the institution, fulfil the function of guiding the employees and adopting the institutional objectives. Therefore, effective mission and vision statements are necessary for institutions to use all their sources towards institutional objectives. Therefore, mission and vision statements of the universities should include terms about innovation. In respect to this, the aim of this study is to analyse the mission and vision statements of the faculties of economic & administrative sciences, political sciences, social sciences, administrative sciences, economics, business, business & management; business, administrative & social sciences of the state and foundation universities located in Marmara Region comparatively.
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