Are household members in Türkiye happy or not?: The generalized ordered logit model

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Happiness Economics- Economics- Household- Life Satisfaction- Generalized Ordered Logit Model


The goal of individuals is to achieve happiness and live a happy life in general. However, there are many economic and socio-demographic factors that affect their happiness. This paper examines the happiness of household members from the perspective of socio-demographic and economic factors via 2009 and 2015 Turkish Statistical Institute’s (TURKSTAT) Life Satisfaction Survey data. The econometric method employ is the generalized ordered logit model. The findings suggest that economic factors have a significant impact on individuals’ happiness. For household members, while getting a job, owning a car, and saving money increase the happiness of individuals, being in debt, being married or single, and paying debts decrease happiness. These results are aimed to contribute to policy makers’ practices in order to increase the happiness of individuals in the country.



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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Timur Erden, B. (2023). Are household members in Türkiye happy or not?: The generalized ordered logit model. UYGULAMALI MİKROEKONOMETRİ DERGİSİ, 3(2), 41–52.



Original Article