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  • The text complies with the style, bibliographic rules and other issues specified in the Author's Guidelines.
  • During the submission of the paper, I undertake to fill in all the names, titles, institutions, ORCID ID information and contact information of the all authors. I declare that I will upload this information as a separate file during the registration of the article to the system.
  • I promise that the copyright agreement will be signed by the authors with a wet signature and uploaded during the registration of the article to the system.
  • The full text file, which does not contain any information about the authors, has been prepared as blinded to the referees and ready for submission.
  • In addition to the parts of the article, title, abstract, keywords and JEL Codes are also included in the full text file.

Yazar Rehberi

Please see the author AUTHOR GUIDELINES section.

Gizlilik Beyanı

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