The Journal of Applied Microeconometrics (JAME) is an electronic and open access journal. The journal's articles have "free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself." 

Journal of Applied Microeconometricshas switched to a continuous publication flow starting with volume 5. There will be two issues in each volume  and articles will be assigned to the relevant issue as they are accepted. Once an article is accepted, it will be published online, without waiting for the entire journal issue to be completed.

Manuscripts submitted to JAME should be in line with the following editorial principles and author guidelines.  


  1. The Journal of Applied Microeconometrics (JAME) will be beginning its broadcasting life in June 2021. It is an internationally peer-reviewed and periodical journal published regularly in two issues per year as SUMMER  and WINTER , in the fields of “fields such as environment, finance, education, agriculture, labour, health, public policy, rural development in the scope of economics, psychology and other fields in social sciences applications in microeconometrics. All manuscripts submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor-in-chief, co-editor, associate editors, editorial board and referees.
  2. The journal accepts the studies written only in English. Original research papers, critiques of previously published research papers and case study articles are published in the journal.
  3. Only the original scientific researches are included. It is essential that the information created in the scientific study needs to be new, suggest a new method, or give a new dimension to an existing information
  4. JAME is an open-access electronic journal. All articles published in the journal are assigned the DOI number. All researchers worldwide have full access to the articles published in the journal and can download them without any subscription fee.
  5. The manuscript submitted for publication in the journal must have not been published elsewhere or have not been sent to another journal to be published. These studies or their abstracts which were presented in a conference or published can be accepted if it is indicated in the manuscript. In addition, if the study is supported by an institution or is produced from a dissertation, this should be indicated by a footnote to the title of the manuscript. Those who want to withdraw their manuscripts for publication for some reason must apply to the journal management with a letter. The editorial board assumes that the owners of the manuscript agree to abide by these terms.
  6. All responsibility of the manuscripts belongs to the authors. They should be prepared in accordance with international scientific ethics rules also mentioned in the journal. Where necessary, a copy of the ethics committee report must be added.
  7. Manuscripts submitted to JAME are sent to the referees after being checked with the "iThenticate" plagiarism software to see if they are partially or completely copied (plagiarism) from another study. Revision is requested from the authors for the manuscripts that result in high plagiarism (15% and above). If the necessary revision is not made within 15 days, the manuscript is rejected.
  8. Within the knowledge of the editor-in-chief and relevant editors, it has the authority not to publish articles that do not comply with the terms of publication, to return them to the author for revision, and to arrange them in style. All manuscripts submitted to JAME are sent to at least two referees after the initial review of the editors in chief, section editors, and editors related to the study issue with respect to formatting and content. After having positive feedbacks from both of the referees, the manuscripts are published. In case of having one positive and one negative feedback from the referees, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. Identities of authors are kept in the posts to be sent to the referees (Double-blind peer review). In addition, the authors are not informed about the referee
  9. The referee process is carried out by the editor-in-chief. Even if it is approved by the referees, a publication that is not approved or accepted by the editor-in-chief cannot be published in the journal. The author or authors cannot create an obligation on the journal and other bodies on this matter.
  10. The editor-in-chief has 7 days for the appointment of the referees after the arrival of the manuscript. While he/she appoints the referees, he/she takes the views of the section editor and the other editors related to the study issue. The manuscripts sent to the referees for evaluation are expected to be answered within 4 weeks. In case this is overcome, the editor makes a new referee appointment and withdraws the request from the former referee.
  11. Required changes must be made by the author within 4 weeks after the decision of "Revision required".
  12. Copyright of all published studies belongs to Holistence Publications. 
  13. No copyright payment is made.
  14. The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal bind the authors. All legal responsibility of the articles belongs to their authors.
  15. No study has differentiation or superiority from another study. Each author and study has the same rights and equality. No privileges are recognized.
  16. Manuscripts submitted for publication in our journal must be prepared according to the rules of spelling of the journal. Spelling and template are included in the "Author Guidelines" heading.
  17. Manuscripts submitted for evaluation must not exceed maximum number of pages stated in the AUTHOR GUIDELINES section after they are prepared according to the specified template. The abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 300 words and a minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 keywords should be written.