A new generation currency in the era of change: A review on the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies

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Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Digital currencies


The subject of virtual currencies (crypto currencies), which entered our lives with the article “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” written by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, has attracted the attention of both investors and governments in recent years. Cryptocurrencies, which eliminate centralization through distributed networks and enable transactions without being dependent on any authority, emerge as faster, less costly and more reliable payment methods that eliminate disadvantageous formations such as intermediaries in traditional money systems. Cryptocurrency, which offers various innovations and conveniences in the usage area and usage methods of money, especially in finance and entrepreneurship, emerges as the most important topic that is tried to be understood today due to the advantages and disadvantages it brings. Especially recently, with China's ban on cryptocurrency exchanges, the current situation of cryptocurrencies, the perspectives of governments on cryptocurrencies and the place of cryptocurrencies in the changing world order have started to be a matter of curiosity. The aim of this study is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of crypto money technology for both investors and governments as a result of examining the existing studies in the literature on cryptocurrencies and to guide researchers for future research.


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How to Cite

Arıcı, T., Kitapçı, H., & Fidan, E. (2022). A new generation currency in the era of change: A review on the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies. HOLISTIC ECONOMICS, 1(1), 11–19. https://doi.org/10.55094/hoec.1.1.02


