Multinational Companies, Globalization, Actor, PoliticsAbstract
On the one hand, it is claimed that a new world order from which unprecedented successful performance will be obtained thanks to the globalization system is established or all countries in the world will obtain useful results from the globalization process in the world. On the other hand, it is mentioned about critics regarding arrangements intended for only huge companies called as multinational within globalization system and commercial opportunities of very developed countries which these companies belong to are made. As long as effects started to be experienced as a result, it is clearly understood that the real goal is to provide integration and consolidation all over the world because it is seen that very important developments will be obtained by developing countries which are the ones most benefiting from this process in some ways after quarter century. In this study, effects of globalization on positive results provided by multinational companies in this globalization system and different results arising from country managements are obtained on which ones among these effects are searched.
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