Globalization, Regional Development, Development Differences, Inequality, Regional InequalityAbstract
It is observed in the World economy perspective that regional development differences cannot be still solved in our present day when global system continues. In fact, while it is known that there are income and development differences between the developed countries and underdeveloped countries of the World as from the ancient times of the history, it is clear that due consideration is not attached to the inequality problems. For this reason, it is tried to find the impacts of the utilization opportunities provided with globalization and the reasons leading the problems to continue within the scope of this research conducted on increasing the social and economic development levels in the underdeveloped countries thanks to the global system. Although too long years have passed after the starting of the globalization in the World, both there are development differences among the countries located in different regions and the social and economic development differences continue in the different regions within the own national boundaries of any country. The subject of completely removing the inequality and poverty that are the leading ones among the most important problems expected to be solved with the globalization system include the regional development analyses for the purpose of identifying, the intentions of the globalization policies and responsibilities of country government. According to the results of these analyses, while the impacts of the global system on the regional development differences are evaluated, it is aimed to reach the truest provisions required to protect the national interests of the underdeveloped countries in the international commercial activities increasing with the globalization, to re-identify the provisions of the harmonization to globalization and to prevent the negative impacts of the international trade agreements issued.
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