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Risk aversion, risky investment intention, fear,, hope,, sadness,, anger


This study investigates the effects of basic emotions like fear, sadness, anger, and hope on risk aversion and the intent to make a risky investment. The data used in the study in 2017 were obtained through convenience sampling. A relationship was found between fear and risk aversion and between risk aversion and the intent to make a risky investment. Both objective and subjective financial literacy affect the relationship between fear and risk aversion, while the latter significantly affects sadness. The study makes an important contribution to the literature on the effects of basic emotions on risky investment intent.


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Author Biographies

A. Berrak KÖTEN, Istanbul Kultur University/Turkey

** Istanbul Kultur University Vocational School

Public Relations and Publicity Programme, TURKEY, e-mail:


Selim AREN, Yıldız Technical University/Turkey

Prof. Dr. Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science Business Administration, TURKEY, e-mail:

ORCID ID:      



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