Fast - Food, consumer, consumer preferences.Abstract
In order to facilitate almost all aspects of life worldwide, the emergence of alternatives to practicality has led to the evolution of eating habits. As a result of the researches, it is seen that a great transition has been made from the traditional eating habits to the way of eating fast food. There is a big target group that the way of eating fast-food, a significant part of this mass is composed of young people; especially students.
The aim of this study was to determine the reasons why Sivas Cumhuriyet University students prefer fast food products and to understand whether there is a difference with the demographic characteristics of the students. The aim of this study was to determine the reasons why the students of Sivas Cumhuriyet University prefer fast food products. The sample of the study consisted of students studying at Sivas Cumhuriyet University. Data of the study Simple random sampling method was collected. Öncü et al. (2007) used the scale. The scale consists of 6 dimensions and the dimensions are measured with 19 expressions in total. In the second part of the survey, there are statements that determine the demographic characteristics of the students.
Among the findings of the study, the freshness of food sub-dimension, which is the product feature dimension, is one of the most important reasons why students prefer fast food.
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