Globalization, Unemployment, Youth Unemployment, Statism, Correlation AnalysisAbstract
Unemployment has always been a problem for humanity. It is important for both the individual and the society to find a place in the employment in order not to leave the people materially and spiritually in the society. For the absence of social classes and disagreements in the society, the active population should be included in the working life. It would be more beneficial to support all individuals who wish to work in the business by not only adhering to the private sector but also with statism.
In the study, the emphasis on youth unemployment was emphasized and it was aimed to contribute to solutions. In this study, adopting the principle of statism and preventing the waste of resources by making a division of labor in all the countries of the world, increasing income inequality, increasing the class differences among the citizens living in countries and reviewing the policies to increase employment in order not to increase the phenomenon of terrorism in countries are discussed.
The survey method wa sapplied in the study and data were collected electronically. Random sampling method was applied in the sample selection and 600 participants were reached. Multiple fit analysis were applied
As a result of the study, gender, age, marital status, education, housing status, differents pending for education and salary expectations among individuals whose unemployment expectations differed. Solutions and suggestions to increase employment are given.
Keywords: Globalization, Unemployment, Youth Unemployment, Statism, Multiaple Conformity Analysis
JEL Codes: 10, M10, F66, H31, J53
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