A software development application for solving round trip slack time minimizing problems using backtracking method

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Vehicle Routing Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem, Branch and Bound Technique, Backtracking Approach, C#


Even a small advantages can be important in the competition conditions that are increasing day by day in the enterprises, logistics is becoming more important with each passing day. A significant part of the expenses of enterprises constitute logistics. This study was carried out with a (exact, exact) method, which guarantees the optimal solution so as to minimize the total time spent waiting for the vehicles of a lojstik company carrying road passenger. The software was developed with the C# programming language for the solution. The method of solution of the problem was followed by the Backtracking approach of the Branch and Bound technique. This method used; has the ability to reduce total completed counting.


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Author Biography

Şahin İnanç, Uludag University / Türkiye




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How to Cite

İnanç, Şahin, & Sezen, H. K. (2023). A software development application for solving round trip slack time minimizing problems using backtracking method . JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 10(4), 247–256. https://doi.org/10.15637/jlecon.2219



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