System dynamics model in cargo logistics management

Stock Management, Cargomat, Cargo Logistics Management, System DynamicsAbstract
Cargomats are very popular lately, thanks to their practical use and the convenience they provide to customers. The aim of this study is to develop a system dynamics model for Kargomat, which is frequently used in cargo logistics. System Dynamics was developed by Jay Wright Forrester at the MIT. In addition to being a field of use for many different disciplines, system dynamics is a frequently used method in stock management. System Dynamics is based on stock and flow. In this study, system dynamics (SD) model was created with Vensim PLE for the planning of cargomat stock. It is possible to analyze different scenarios with the developed system dynamics model. The adequacy of the cargomat’s capacity was examined with the help of the developed system dynamics model. Thanks to the SD model, it is possible to plan the cargo mat stock.
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