The effect of organizational cyncism on burnout in the context of presenteeism: Atatürk University HELITAM example

Organizational Cynicism, Burnout, Presenteeism, Structurel Equation ModelAbstract
Examining the attitudes of nurses in the work environment is important not only in terms of their effects on themselves, but also in terms of revealing the effects of the patients and the health services provided in the hospital in general as a requirement of their work. The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between nurses' organizational cynicism, burnout and presenteeism attitudes and other factors associated with them. For this purpose, 567 nurses studying in Atatürk University Nursing Undergraduate Completion Program (HELİTAM) were surveyed, and 364 nurses gave feedback. In the study, in which the structural equation method was used, the data were obtained by the questionnaire technique, which included demographic, organizational cynicism, burnout and presenteeism questions. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS programs. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires used in the research. In the study, the hypotheses created to reach the goal were tested with the correlation and structural equation model, and the results were interpreted in this direction. According to other findings obtained from the analysis, the problem of presenteeism plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational cynicism and emotional burnout, personal success and depersonalization. As a result, in this study examining the relationship between organizational cynicism, burnout and presenteeism attitudes, it was observed that as the cynicism level of nurses increased, their burnout level increased significantly. It has been determined that cynicism causes emotional exhaustion, a decrease in personal success, and the emergence of insensitive behaviors towards life over time.
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