The effect of technological innovation capabilities on companies' innovation and marketing performance: A field study on Technopark companies in Turkey

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innovation, technological innovation capabilities, product performance, marketing performance, technopark company


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the technological innovation capabilities of companies carrying out R&D and innovation activities on product performance and marketing performance.

Methodology - The main population of this study comprises a total of 4916 companies that carry out their activities within the body of 56 Technoparks in Turkey on April 2018. IBM SPSS 23 and IBM AMOS 23 package programs were used in the analysis. In the study, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis were performed to test the relationships in the proposed research model, respectively.

Findings - As a result of the Structural Equation Modeling analysis, it was found that R&D capability has significant and positive effects on product performance and marketing performance over product performance; and the learning capability, marketing capability, and finally product performance directly on marketing performance. 

Originality/value - The main contribution of this study to the literature is that it not only explains the effects of some types of innovation on business performance but also deals with the relationship between innovation capabilities and business performance of companies in a more specific approach and reveals the effects of technological innovation capabilities on both product and marketing performance.


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How to Cite

BİL, E., & ÖZDEMİR, E. (2021). The effect of technological innovation capabilities on companies’ innovation and marketing performance: A field study on Technopark companies in Turkey. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 8(3), 361–378.



Research Articles