Publicly supported developments in the fourth industrıal revolution: Comparison of selected countries and Turkey

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Industry 4.0, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation, Public Expenditures


The fourth industrial revolution has increased public investment and transfer expenditures, R&D studies, public support and incentives to a certain extent in many countries.With the obtained data, it is possible to say that public expenditures and supports have an important place fort he growth and development of the country’s economy. The aim of the study is to examine the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on public expenditures. The new technologies that emerged in each industrial revolution has accelerated globalization by making the world a little smaller. Moreover, countries that have successfully followed these developments have begun to gain an advantage in global competition. This situation has been effective in the governments supporting the digital transformation experienced with the fourth industrial revolution with public expenditures and infrastructure works.


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How to Cite

Çetinkaya, G., & Susam, N. (2021). Publicly supported developments in the fourth industrıal revolution: Comparison of selected countries and Turkey. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 8(4), 413–429.



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