Analysis of knowledge performance of G7 countries: An application with the COCOSO method

knowledge, global knowledge ındex, COCOSOAbstract
In this research, the knowledge performance of the G7 countries was measured by the COCOSO method over the values of the latest and up-to-date Global Konwledge Index (GKI) components of the 2020 year. In the study, the harmony between the performance values determined within the scope of GKI and COCOSO methods and some multi-criteria decision making methods (MCDM:, EDAS, TOPSIS, and GIA) were determined. According to the findings, it has been determined that the countries with higher information performance average values are the USA and the England. In this context, it has been concluded that the countries of Japan, Canada, Germany, Italy and France, which are below the average value, should give the necessary importance to the components of the Global Knowledge Index in order to harmonize with other G7 group countries in terms of knowledge performance. According to another finding, it was observed that the GKI and COCOSO methods were in consistence with each other and with other MCDM methods.
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