Renewable energy, Energy Innovation, YEKDEM, Multivariate regression model, SPSSAbstract
Energy is one of the critical issues on which a lot of research and work has been done in order to meet the constantly changing and increasing needs of societies throughout history.. The fact that energy resources are limited in nature makes this importance even more critical for all world assets. Energy, which is the basis of all processes, has an active role in areas that include all supply and demand from production to supply. This is an indication that energy is an important economic compass. In this study, Turkey's incentive-based production and development of renewable energy innovation, established were analyzed by multivariate regression model. Following the literature review carried out about innovations and approaches of different countries in the energy field, developed in Turkey "renewable energy support mechanism", it has investigated the effects of renewable energy production. The relationship between renewable resource generation and the support provided in this field was modeled by multivariate linear regression method. According to the results obtained from the model, with the support provided energy transformation in Turkey; it has been observed that bioenergy and photovoltaic energy sources continue their development rapidly.
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