Information and Communication Technologies, Labor Productivity, Konya (2006) Bootstrap Panel Causality AnalysisAbstract
Information and communication technologies have gained importance with the increase in computer usage and the rapid spread of the Internet after 1980. Productivity in the economy has increased considerably with the spread of information and communication technologies. Economies have turned to using information and communication technologies in order to develop and expand their market shares, to produce at less cost and to increase productivity.
In this study, it is aimed to investigate the causality relationship between developments in information and communication technologies and labor productivity with the causality analysis of Konya (2006), which is the Bootstrap Panel causality test, for 1985-2010 period and OECD countries with data. The results obtained differed from country to country. While significant causal relationships have been identified in some countries, no causal relationship has been identified in some countries.
Jel Codes: J23, O33, D21
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