Toxic Leadership, Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Intention to LeaveAbstract
The importance of employees for organizational sustainability in today's business life, which is described as the information age, is particularly important. The fact that the human element becomes the most valuable of the production factors increases this importance. Having leadership approaches that will affect employees in their efforts for organizational processes, increases individual and corporate performance and satisfaction. In this context, the fact that employee behaviors are determinant on organizational outcomes, leads researchers to conduct studies on behavioral attitudes. Toxic leadership, which has been considered as a popular concept in recent years, is evaluated as an undesirable factor for organizations and employees. The idea that toxic leadership may negatively affect employee behavior and attitudes is the basis of the model proposal in this study. Toxic leadership, a destructive and corrosive leadership type, is expected to accelerate the formation of counter productive work behavior. In addition, it is anticipated that toxic leadership can direct individuals to the intention to leave by reducing employees' willingness to stay in the organization. In this study, toxic leadership, counterproductive work behaviors and intention to leave are conceptually addressed and research questions are created to reveal relationships between these variables.
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