Silopi, Showcase City, Regional Economic GainsAbstract
Silopi is much closer than Şırnak where the county to Iraq and Syria. It opens to the Middle East with The Customs Gate of Habur. Here is the gateway to transport and cultural interaction as an international trade and tourism gateway. If the Silopi is made in province, it will be a border town where traders, industrialists and tourists from the Middle East will first come and go as it is a place where international highways pass. Thus Silopi will provide the functionality to showcase the city for New Silk Road, the Middle East, Turkey and Southeastern Anatolia region. What a store showcase is, it is showcase city of a country. Both of them have to be clean, lively and attractive. But a showcase city with high economic potential like Silopi will also be robust infrastructure, compatible with its surroundings, developing and sustainable due to its border city feature.
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