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Literature, Mythology, Myth, Psychology, GreekAbstract
Mythology is the basis of many research fields or scientific studies. There are the effects of mythology on branches as literature, philosophy, religion, psychology, art. In fact, mythology is the exploration of man's self; through mythology man creates literature and art. Every concept that is abstract in mythology is embodied by literature and art, it becomes visual. In this article, the Greek myths, which were the basis of ancient Greek literature and art, were studied. The concepts of soul, body, life, death in ancient Greek myths were examined. Then the myths of the universe and man’s creation were studied in the context of Ancient Greek literature. Some of the myths of ancient Greek literature were studied using the views of scientists such as Jung and Freud. It was examined how mythology, an abstract concept, become concrete with literature and art. As a result, the philosophical and psychological background of Greek myths, which was the source of ancient Greek literature, was revealed.
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