Ambivalent comprehension of the artistic concept of AMERICA in the text of G.D. Grebenshchikov
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G.D. Grebenshchikov, America, artistic concept, conceptual featureAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual features of the artistic concept of AMERICA in the text of the Russian-American writer G.D. Grebenshchikov. “American” text by G.D. Grebenshchikov testifies that the concept of AMERICA was present in the writer’s picture of the world long before emigration. The dominant conceptual features that demonstrate the author’s ambivalent understanding of AMERICA are considered. It is concluded that the author’s ambivalent connotations of American reality contributed to the volumetric comprehension and evolution of the artistic concept of AMERICA in the text of G.D. Grebenshchikov.
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