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Turkish language, Azerbaijani language, native language, Azerbaijani Turkish language, Azerbaijani press.Abstract
After Azerbaijan`s gaining independence native language issue became the centre of political and ideological arguments. These arguments mainly covered the following themes:
- Social-political status of native language
- Native language`s name
In the first Constitution adopted after the establishment of Soviet rule in Azerbaijan, there was no item about state language. In the Constitution adopted in 1937 after Azerbaijan`s membership in SSRU, state language item was also absent. In 1956 on decision of Surpreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR the item about adopting Azerbaijani Turkish as state language was added to the Constitution of 1937. After that native language usage promlems in Azerbaijan arose. After gaining the independence, along with native language usage problems state language`s name issue also became actual problem and the centre of arguments.
At the end of 1980`s - in the beginning of 1990`s three opinions on native language`s name were formed in Azerbaijan.
- The defenders of “Azerbaijani language” term.
- “Turkish language”
- “Azerbaijani Turkish language”
Besides those who accepted “Azerbaijani language” term there were some who considered this notion against turkism. Others thought that “Turkish language” term would make people speak Turkish.
These problems will be lightened and the results carried out in this article. The most important pecularity of the article is that Parliament documents from the National Parliament`s Archieve will be presented, all above mentioned arguments will be widely lightened here. Besides, arguments from Azerbaijani press will also be compared on base of Azerbaijan National Parliament`s archieve and Azerbaijani press sources.
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