Views of prospective Turkish teachers on language arts teaching
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Grammar Eaching, Comprehension Skills, Expression SkillsAbstract
Turkish Language Teaching aims to develop students' natural language skills such as listening and speaking, as well as their acquired reading and writing skills. At the same time, Turkish language teaching aims to enable the target group to use Turkish effectively, as well as expanding the vocabulary of the students and enabling the target group to benefit from the richness of Turkish. In line with these goals, grammar is used as a tool for individuals learning Turkish as a mother tongue to acquire these skills. Grammar teaching enables the target audience to use language skills in accordance with the rules of the mother tongue and correctly by developing the structure and function features of the language. The aim of this study is to examine the views of prospective Turkish teachers on grammar teaching. In the study, the case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used and the perceptions, expectations and experiences of pre-service teachers about grammar teaching were examined. The data to be obtained in the study were collected through a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. In order to ensure the validity and reliability of the research, the opinions of three different field experts were taken and the form was finalized. The study group of the research consists of pre-service teachers studying in a Turkish language teaching program at a university located in the west of the country. As a result of the research, the opinions and observations of pre-service Turkish teachers about grammar teaching were determined. In addition, pre-service teachers' perceptions and expectations about the function of grammar teaching in Turkish language teaching were evaluated. In addition, the role of grammar teaching in teaching Turkish as a mother tongue and the process of acquiring the four basic skills of the target group of this teaching were examined and how grammar teaching affects the level of motivation in this process was discussed. In line with the findings, suggestions on how grammar teaching can be improved by utilizing the experiences of prospective Turkish teachers were presented and contributed to the determination of improvement areas for grammar teaching in the future.
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