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Atabetü’l-Hakayık, Reitrative, Pattern WordAbstract
One of the most important works of Turkish Language, Atabetü'l- Hakayık is a work written by Edip Ahmed Bin Mahmud Yükneki in the 12th century in Karahanli Turkish and presented to the father of Muhammed Dad İspehsalar. The work that reflects the language of the period it was written was of course written by making use of the rich vocabulary of Turkish Language. Reitratives, which are a structure specific to Turkish, and the pattern words used in expressing wishes and / or communicating in certain situations are structures that have a considerable place and importance in this rich vocabulary of Turkish. The universe of the study is Atabetü'l- Hakayık, and its subject is the reitratives and pattern words in this work. In the study, "tunung kündüzüng", "öküş az", "tuş tenge", etc. reitratives; "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim",“İlahi keçürgen idim sen keçür”, “Ugan rahmet itsün”etc. Pattern words were determined. Thus, the frequency of use of dilemmas and stereotypes in the vocabulary of the work consisting of 40 couplets and 101 quatrains is revealed by numerical data.
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