A look at working life problems in the context of industrial social work

Working Standards, Rights Violations, Industrial Social WorkAbstract
“Work”, one of the fundamental human rights, has various problems in terms of accessibility and sustainability today. Low standards and rights violations in working life directly affect the psychosocial well-being of individuals and negatively affect the general welfare level. The fact that problems related to working life gain different dimensions in industrializing societies increases the need for social service interventions. In this context, industrial social service practices developed in order to cope with the problems of working life that arise in industrializing societies constitute the main focus of this study. The purpose of the research is to address current problems related to working life and to evaluate industrial social service interventions for these problems. In the literature, it is seen that the research conducted in the context of social service on working life is limited and especially in our country, industrial social service has not yet gained a wide place in the literature. In this compilation study based on the literature review method, current problems in working life and industrial social service interventions are evaluated. As a result, it is seen that well-being in working life directly affects social welfare and industrial social service practices play an important role in combating the problems in this area. However, it is suggested that these practices are not yet sufficiently developed in Turkey and that public, private sector and civil society organizations should act in cooperation in order to create an effective model. In this context, strengthening industrial social services will contribute to the creation of a more sustainable and inclusive well-being in working life.
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