Assessment of mortality in intensive care: A critical look at risk factors and care practices

Critical Care, Indicators and Reagents, Mortality, Risk Factors, Health Organization and AdministrationAbstract
Objective: This study aims to evaluate mortality rates in critical care units, to determine risk factors affecting these rates, and to develop strategies to reduce mortality.
Method: This study, planned as a retrospective and cross-sectional study, included 124 patients treated in the general critical care units of a group B state hospital in 2020. The data collection process used the Hospital Information System, and patient demographics, diagnoses, and causes of death were analyzed.The data collected within the scope of the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods (frequency, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, etc.), as well as the Independent Samples T test for comparing two group means, and the F test (Anova) for comparing more than two group means. While Anova was used for studies with more than two groups, the Tukey Test was used in those that provided the assumption of homogeneity to determine which group was different from the others.
Results: In the study, 51.6% of patients were male, 35.5% were aged 65-74, 48.4% lived in city centers, 85.5% were inpatients, 54.8% were general critical care patients, 14.5% were post-CPR, and 51.6% died from cardiopulmonary arrest. Mortality rates varied by age, critical care type, length of stay, and clinical features. Cardiopulmonary arrest had the highest mortality rate. Mortality increased with longer critical care stays.
Conclusion: Mortality in critical care units is influenced by multiple factors. To reduce rates, infections should be prevented, patient care quality improved, and multidisciplinary approaches adopted.
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