Management strategy approach to economic paradigms for Cyprus Problem solving

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Cyprus Problem, EU, TRNC, TRC, Turkey


The Cyprus Problem emerged with the double-collective (Turkish-Greek) structure that formed with the Ottoman Empire's taking over the island in 1571, and it is continuing to the present day. Founded in 1960, the Republic of Cyprus couldn’t provide a solution to the problems between the societies and finally after the Cyprus Peace Operation held in 1974 as the Republic of Turkey (T. C.) guarantor, North Cyprus Turkish Republic (TRNC) was established officially in 1983. In 2004, the Republic of Cyprus (TRC) was accepted as a member of the European Union (EU) on behalf of all candidates. EU membership of the TRC hadn’t solved the Cyprus problem, and had become a sensitive issue in Turkey-EU relations. On the other hand, with the discovery of new oil and natural gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Cyprus Problem has now become a part of the world; energy is an extremely important input, and in the international arena it has strategic priorities for all countries. Both the progress of EU-Turkey relations, as well as the exploration of energy resources in the context of solving the Cyprus problem, countries are encouraged to solve the dispute. This case is established by the reliability of Turkey's strong stance next to TRNC, having the secured investment fields to transfer the newly discovered energy sources. The companies as a management strategy, Turkey's strong support of the TRNC's development will pave the way to make a stable and profitable investment in every field; The Cyprus Problem will be provided together with solutions to the discovery, transmission and processing of energy resources that are on the agenda in the recent period. When considered at the EU-Turkey relations will move in a positive direction so that businesses realize management strategies will be in place in line with.


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How to Cite

Eryiğit, N. (2024). Management strategy approach to economic paradigms for Cyprus Problem solving. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 5(1), 35–41.


