The role of psychological safety and group cohesiveness in the ımpact of clinical leadership on organizational resilience

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Clinical Leadership, Psychological Safety, Group Cohesiveness, Organizational Resilience, Hospital


This study aims to analyze how psychological safety and group commitment affect the relationship between clinical leadership and organizational resilience in the context of physicians and nurses. This study has a descriptive, correlation-seeking quantitative research design that does not examine the relationships between basic variables and the differences between specific groups in the hospital context. The research sample consists of 200 physicians and nurses working in a public hospital. In the study, data were collected using a questionnaire form consisting of five sections: Personal Information Form, Clinical Leadership Scale, Psychological Safety Scale, Group Cohesiveness Scale and Organizational Resilience Scale. The data obtained with the survey technique were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 package program. Descriptive statistical methods were used in the analysis of the data. Ethics committee and institutional permission were obtained to conduct the study. The participation rates of physicians and nurses in leadership and management training are low. Women have higher scores in organizational resilience. Physicians' perception of psychological safety is higher than that of nurses. Married participants have higher organizational resilience and group cohesion scores. Clinical leadership has significant differences according to age, education level and work experience. Long working hours and night shifts negatively affect psychological safety and group cohesion. Participants without management training have higher scores. There are positive interactions between organizational resilience, psychological safety and group cohesion. The relationship between clinical leadership and these variables is more limited. The research results indicate the need to develop an understanding of the organizational dynamics of hospitals while providing strategies for improving leadership and management in healthcare services to overcome current and future challenges, and to promote resilience and effective collaboration.


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Author Biography

Ersin Kocaman, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University / Türkiye

Lec. Dr. 



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How to Cite

Terlemez, B., Kocaman, E., Baç, A., Kürtül Örtlek, M., & Kalaner, A. (2024). The role of psychological safety and group cohesiveness in the ımpact of clinical leadership on organizational resilience. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 5(1), 17–33.


