Society 5.0 and public service: Airside advertising practices at Turkish airports: Examples from international airports and Turkish airports possibilities

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  • Mehmet Cemil Acar Maltepe University /Türkiye



Airports, Advertising, Airside, Business


With the development of technology and the inclusion of online media in our lives with the entry of the 2000s, marketing and advertising strategies have gained great momentum within the scope of creative/guerrilla advertising, and advertising companies have started to run campaigns with crazy ideas in order to influence the customer and manage their perception. Especially airport advertising; It has become one of the most preferred and profitable areas, considering that a unique atmosphere is offered to the customers and that the passengers generally feel positive in this environment. Advertising applications presented inside the terminal and on the route used while arriving at the terminal attract great attention and are important in increasing the brand values of the companies. The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by determining the suitable lands at the airports in Turkey and making suggestions about the advertising practices that can be made at airports in Turkey, based on various airside applications at airports around the world. In the study, the method of researching written sources and visuals was used, and in this direction, images of airside advertising examples used in various international airports were brought together. Then, it has been discussed what kind of advertising practices can be done on these lands through bird’s-eye photographs of the lands suitable for advertisements at the airports in Turkey. As a result, it has been determined that many airports in Turkey have opportunities for companies to easily organize their advertising activities


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How to Cite

Acar, M. C. (2023). Society 5.0 and public service: Airside advertising practices at Turkish airports: Examples from international airports and Turkish airports possibilities. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 4(1), 27–33.


