What do generation Y expect from online talk shows?

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Uses and grafications, Generation Y, New media


Turkey draws attention as one of the countries where internet technologies are used the most. It is quite possible that new channels will emerge among a society that uses technology so frequently and that it will be followed by large populations. Generation Y is an important part of this great technological process. The Y generation, which does not adhere to the strict rules as the X generation, but does not have the comfortable structure of the Z generation, is living in the age at which it can achieve its own economic power. In this study, it is the subject of examining the viewing habits of the members of the Y generation with the approach of uses and gratifications theory.


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How to Cite

Özsevim Çelenk, A. (2023). What do generation Y expect from online talk shows?. JOURNAL OF ORIGINAL STUDIES, 4(1), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.47243/jos.2026


