About the Journal
The Journal of Global Climate Change is open to all field of studies related to Global Climate Change (ISSN: 2822-5228). Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies will be included in JGCC. We invite all academicians, researchers, educators, non-governmental organizations and students interested in the theme of the Global Climate Change.
Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Full Issue
How can the agricultural soil support in the climate change mitigation and adaptation?
Abstract views: 173 /
PDF downloads: 229
Effect of vermicompost and biochar application on microbial activity of soil under deficit irrigation
Abstract views: 313 /
PDF downloads: 240
Determination of drought distribution using palmer drought severity ındex: Case study of Susurluk basin
Abstract views: 140 /
PDF downloads: 153
An example of environmental risk assessment with L-type method: Cold storage in food industry
Abstract views: 191 /
PDF downloads: 193