The Journal of Global Climate Change 2022-12-21T23:47:16+03:00 Prof.Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Global Climate Change is open to all field of studies related to Global Climate Change (ISSN: 2822-5228). Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies will be included in JGCC. We invite all academicians, researchers, educators, non-governmental organizations and students interested in the theme of the Global Climate Change.</p> How can the agricultural soil support in the climate change mitigation and adaptation? 2022-10-31T10:10:49+03:00 Bisem Nisa Kandemir Hüseyin Hüsnü Kayıkçıoğlu hüsnü <p>The rise in temperature over the earth due to the increase in the greenhouse gas concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere is defined as “Global Warming”. The precipitation and temperature regimes do not continue in the usual order and the meteorological disasters experienced cause people to worry about the future. It also reveals more than just its claims on biodiversity, orientation, and food security. Agricultural production is one of the important sectors that will be directly affected by global warming and climate change, in the light of current information. Food production, which enables people to survive, takes place directly through agriculture. In today’s conditions, it is unthinkable to feed large masses without soil. The soil provides all the necessary nutrients to humanity, but only if it is sufficient. Soil health is at the forefront to produce ordinary food. Although what can be done is limited, practical measures should be taken by making projections on climate change. In addition, mitigation and adaptation studies should be carried out for the continuity of agricultural production activities. Due to the slow progress of these mitigation and adaptation strategies, green pursuits for faster action are on the top of the agenda. The pursuit of green has become a powerful weapon in the transformation of rural areas. As an extension of the Paris Agreement, the Green Deal has come to the fore as a strong effort and discourse that the European Union (EU) aims to spread environmental concerns to all policy areas. The agriculture part of this discourse includes “From Farm to Table Strategy” and “Common Agricultural Policy”. In this study, the place and position of the European Green Deal in the harmonization process of the effects of global warming and climate change on agricultural soils are also examined.<br /><br /></p> 2022-12-21T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Holistence Publications Effect of vermicompost and biochar application on microbial activity of soil under deficit irrigation 2022-11-04T17:42:44+03:00 Golnar Matin Hüseyin Hüsnü Kayıkçıoğlu <p>Climate change is a growing global threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. In this study, we aim to find a solution to sustain soil microbial life under water shortage that occurs as a result of climate change. In this study, tomato plants were grown under full and two-stage limited irrigation conditions in soil treated with vermicompost and biochar. An insignificant effect of irrigation regime and planting application on soil respiration (BSR) value could be determined. Compared to the control, no difference could be detected with ECOF applications in unplanted soils under full irrigation conditions. While the dehydrogenase (DHG) activity of the unplanted plots was determined as 14.35 μg TPF g-1, the determination of the planted plots as 12.52 μg TPF g-1 can be considered as an expression of the fact that the microorganisms in the soil are less exposed to cultural processes in tomato cultivation and support to increase their populations. In Full irrigation and Deficit 1 application in unplanted soils, DHG activity at the level of 14.08 and 17.58 μg TPF g-1 was obtained, respectively, with the addition of biochar, followed by control plot in Full irrigation application and vermicompost application in Deficit 1 application. In Deficit 2 application, biochar application made a significant difference compared to the other two applications and caused activity of 34.91 μg TPF g-1 (P&lt;0.05). With these results, it has been revealed that even at limited moisture levels, biochar applications with high porosity content can provide a lifetime opportunity to microorganisms. In conclusion, it can be stated that vermicompost and biochar applied at the level of 10 t ha-1 can support the microbial activity in the soil under limited irrigation conditions, and biochar application contributes more when the soil moisture is reduced to 15%.</p> 2022-12-21T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Holistence Publications Determination of drought distribution using palmer drought severity ındex: Case study of Susurluk basin 2022-10-31T14:09:50+03:00 Umut Mucan <p>The results such as decrease in agricultural production, product quality and change in diversity because of drought create important socio-economic problems. Due to these reasons, it is becoming an increasingly strategic study topic in academic circles. The fact is that it is not observed instantly like natural disasters makes it possible to take necessary measures on a basin basis in case of drought. Accordingly, obtained data, from meteorological stations in the Susurluk Basin, were used in this study. Within the scope of the study, the starting and ending dates, and intensities of dominant dry periods were determined by using the PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index). Using data such as precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, and the water holding capacity of soil as inputs, a tool was developed in the R environment for PDSI, and annual values were calculated for each meteorology station by running all inputs in this tool. For calculated PDSI values, spatial and temporal analyze were made using the digital elevation model of the Susurluk Basin using the ordinary cokriging interpolation method in ArcGIS 10.8 program.</p> 2022-12-21T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Holistence Publications An example of environmental risk assessment with L-type method: Cold storage in food industry 2022-11-18T13:22:16+03:00 Selin Yardımcı Dogan Sezen Coskun Mehmet Beyhan <p>In this study, the environmental risk assessment for a cold storagefor food industry in the Mediterranean region was determined by the L matrix method. Waste amounts of the cold storage area and offices, possible environmental hazards have been identified. Environmental risks in wastewater, hazardous wastes, other solid wastes, and air pollution were analyzed for risk values. As a result, the activities with the highest environmental risk valueshave been identified as wastewater generation from fruit washing, mercury pollution that may occur due to fluorescent lamps from office and cold storage, contaminated packaging due to detergents to be used for cleaning in cold storage.</p> 2022-12-21T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Holistence Publications Our responsibility in climate change 2022-11-04T17:54:54+03:00 Péter Kádár <p>Almost half of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions come from heat and electricity production. The rise of renewables’ share can barely keep up with the growing energy demand. The environmental impact and material consumption of renewable energy production and electromobility cannot be neglected either, as confirmed by the ecological footprint, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), or Material Input per Service Unit (MIPS) methodologies.</p> <p>In addition, the individual’s energy consumption (electricity, fuel, material consumption) is very significant. The latter is also shown by the significant production of waste. But does the individual have any influence at all on these processes, because a single person is very small compared to the 8 billion inhabitants of the earth? How could one take personal responsibility for the world’s problems?</p> <p>The first step forward the solution is for the individual to be aware of the source, amount, and environmental impact of the energy and materials they consume. He/she must understand the sustainability of the current system. This can be followed by energy awareness, which strives to be frugal in all its actions. The best energy is energy that is not consumed (not produced) or consumed (but not stored) during renewable production.</p> <p>Education for moderation begins in kindergarten and should not only cover energy. It is our responsibility to be aware, to do a little for the greater good - but the physics in the world works independently of us. The solution is the triple E, as the Energy consciousness – Environment consciousness – Earth consciousness</p> 2022-12-21T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Holistence Publications