Our responsibility in climate change

Energy industry, sustainability, personal responsibilitypersonal responsibility, towards sustainabilityAbstract
Almost half of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions come from heat and electricity production. The rise of renewables’ share can barely keep up with the growing energy demand. The environmental impact and material consumption of renewable energy production and electromobility cannot be neglected either, as confirmed by the ecological footprint, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), or Material Input per Service Unit (MIPS) methodologies.
In addition, the individual’s energy consumption (electricity, fuel, material consumption) is very significant. The latter is also shown by the significant production of waste. But does the individual have any influence at all on these processes, because a single person is very small compared to the 8 billion inhabitants of the earth? How could one take personal responsibility for the world’s problems?
The first step forward the solution is for the individual to be aware of the source, amount, and environmental impact of the energy and materials they consume. He/she must understand the sustainability of the current system. This can be followed by energy awareness, which strives to be frugal in all its actions. The best energy is energy that is not consumed (not produced) or consumed (but not stored) during renewable production.
Education for moderation begins in kindergarten and should not only cover energy. It is our responsibility to be aware, to do a little for the greater good - but the physics in the world works independently of us. The solution is the triple E, as the Energy consciousness – Environment consciousness – Earth consciousness
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