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tobacco consumption- Heckman selection model- Kyrgyzstan- cross section data- microeconometrics


Tobacco smoking among youth is a global concern. Tobacco's dangers and the probability of addiction are often underestimated by young people. Preventing tobacco consumption among youth is critical since tobacco-related illnesses will take away the lives of 250 million young people who continue to smoke into adulthood. Youth are more vulnerable to nicotine and may become addicted to it quicker than adults. Even though they decide to stop in a few years, three out of four teen smokers continue to smoke into adulthood due to nicotine addiction.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate tobacco consumption of adolescents in Kyrgyzstan. For this aim, a school-based survey of students aged 13-15 years was utilized. Global Youth Tobacco Survey was conducted in 2019. The questionnaire consists of 56 questions. This survey was conducted in order to get knowledge about adolescents’ attitudes about smoking.

In the empirical analysis was employed Heckman selection model. In the light of obtained results it can be concluded that the main drivers of tobacco consumption among adolescents are age, gender, amount of spending money, parental smoking status, among others. The results indicate that tobacco consumption is higher among males. Parents smoking habit leads to a higher probability of an adolescents to become a smoker.

The outcomes from this study may provide some insights into the policies implemented to lessen smoking among adolescents.


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