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Stefan Zweig, Psychology, Well-being, Suicide, DialecticAbstract
It is known that Stefan Zweig distinguishes between psychoanalysis and literary psychology. According to this fact, his works can be read in the light of current psychological debates. The phenomenon of well-being fits into this context. In literature well-being is accepted as a prominent and appropriate psychological phenomenon. It can be pointed out that this phenomenon has been scrutinized many times, especially in modern narratives reflecting the mental development of the main characters. This is exemplified by the novel “Wind of Change”, which Zweig wrote in the 1930s, but could not complete. In “Wind of Change” the well-being of the protagonist, Christine Hoflehner, is shown dialectically. At this point, her suicidal thoughts play an important role, too, because her well-being is deeply related to her happiness. Christine goes through a rapid and later on dynamic quest for happiness, the psychological reflections of which will be comprehensively discussed in this study.
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