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Pattern Words, Kutadgu Bilig, Word GroupAbstract
Turkish language, VIII. Century, Orkhon Inscriptions known as the first written documents written on stones is a great language. There are many important works that have been written with the Turkish language, which are spread over a wide area as speech and writing language (due to sociological events such as migrations, wars etc.). One of these works is Kutadgu Bilig, which was written by Yusuf Has Hacip in Karahanli Turkish during the period of Turkish language called Middle Turkish. Kutadgu Bilig, which is also a didactic work, which has the feature of politics, has been researched so far. However, among these studies, there are no studies related to the structures known as molds (Bismillahirrahmairrahim, Nasılsın, Ömrün uzun olsun, Dikkat et, etc.).
The subject matter of this study is the words in Kutadgu Bilig. The aim is to determine the pattern words used for communication, wishes and similar situations in Kutadgu Bilig, which is a highly valuable work in terms of Turkish language and to contribute to Turcology in this context.
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