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Linguistics, Phrases, Problem, Rasul Rza, New wordsAbstract
Rasul Rza has maintained a unique service in this development and enrichment, while maintain the vocabulary of his mother tonque. As a linguist, poet has valuable insights on the grammatical structure of his mother tongue, his companions, word combinations. The creativity of Rasul Rza confirms that search for innovation, selection, substitution, new meaning in language is especially important for Azerbaijan writer, scientist. Protecting the national identity and spirit of mother tongue is a glorius task that covered all his life. According to Rasul Rza, the language problem, not only for the period of the poet, has not lost relevance today. Rasul Rza s criticism of newspapers and magazines was not without rason. He has given a valuable insight into the purchasing words that are incompatible with the language laws. Several of his articles are devoted to topical issues related to grammar. Most of the poet s word s and phrases have been included in literary. From this of view, the new words and phrases and created and put forward by him. Theoretical ideas in the article were substantiate the facts.
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