Неориторика как методологическая и дидактическая база казахской риторики
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Neo-rhetoric, Kazakh rhetoric, methodology, didactics in schools and universitiesAbstract
The article summarizes the preliminary results of the scientific project, namely, an overview of reports on various aspects of the scientific concept of Kazakh rhetoric, tested in several conferences. The main range of the considered problems is centered on the scientific and theoretical foundations of Kazakh rhetoric and didactic strategies. The relevance of the topic lies in the development of a methodology based on synthesis with modern neo-rhetoric aimed at describing the Kazakh rhetorical ideal and worldview in the poetry of Zhyrau and the practice of biy justice. The results of the project also imply the formation of a student’s linguistic and rhetorical personality, possessing academic and educational competencies. Within the framework of the project, the specifics of rhetorical argumentation in Zhyrau poetry were investigated, and the role of provocation as a communicative resource was shown using the example of legends about biys.
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