Turkish influences on the social and spiritual culture of the russian people

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eastern Slavs, Turkish, culture, Russian


Turkish-Slavic relations are deep relations with ancient roots and rich features. Undoubtedly, these strong and influential relations between the two peoples have given rise to mature language and cultural ties. From this point of view, the acquisitions of Turkish origin in the Russian language are the result of ancient historical relations, having both deep and indelible traces in the history of Turkish-Slavic relations. These relations developed further in the following centuries and covered the economic, social, political and cultural spheres, leaving an indelible mark on the East Slavic, including the Russian language and culture. We can say that close relations between the Turkic peoples and the Slavic peoples began in the first centuries of Christmas - during the Slavic tribal associations. It should be noted that due to its consistent nature, this communication (whether economic, cultural, etc.) has been permanent, regardless of political circumstances.The influence of the Turks on the Russians had an impact not only on language, but also on anthropology, traditions and mentality. We can confidently say that the Turks thus laid the state, military and economic foundation of the future Russian Empire. However, until recently, the role of the Turkish factor in the formation of Russian or other Slavic peoples, as well as in the formation and development of statehood, was denied in the true sense of the word, It was forbidden to conduct research on this issue. The study of the comprehensive relations of the Turkic-Russian or ancient Turks with the peoples of the East Slavs today it requires a new approach, a different position than before, as well as a new perspective. In fact, this is an initiative of a historical nature to study the history of relations between neighboring nations, it also opens up great opportunities to determine the history of language, its stages and stages of development from a historical point of view. Developed in East Slavic languages and cultural terms (yasа, yasаk, yasоvul, tаmqа, tамоjnya, dеnqi, yam (poçt yolu), surquç, kаznа, tоvаr, bаzаr, arkan, basma, topor, barak, vataqa, palaş (ikiağızlı qılınc), taqan, kаbаlа, tarxan, yarlık, аltın, tоvаriş, sаn (rütbə, ad-san), аrbа, оçаq, stakan, başnya, divan, kirpiç, utyuq, bulat, çuqun, bronza, fonar and so on.) are an important part of words of Turkish origin, which have remained relevant for several hundred years since their transition to these languages, especially in Turks, words that indicate the early maturity of socio-cultural life. These words have remained relevant for several hundred years since their transition to the East Slavic languages, still describe the successes that have been achieved so far.


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How to Cite

Təkəli Nuriyeva, M. (2023). Turkish influences on the social and spiritual culture of the russian people. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND AWARENESS, 1(2), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.33390/ijla.1867



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