Ahmed Caferoglu and his “Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgisi” magazine

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Ahmet Caferoglu, literature, emigration, press, publication, theme, problems, source


This is a reference to Ahmet Caferoglu's "Azerbaijan yurd bilgisi" magazine, which is of great importance to Azerbaijani studies, and its scientific research. The author provides a systematic classification of the theme and problems of this immigrant journal, noting that the most prominent example of the immigrant press was the important academic publication, which included enough material for the study of Azerbaijani science, culture and literature.  It is important to study the issues of classical and modern literature on a scientific basis, free from ideological pressure, to give a detailed analysis of the journal.  This publication is considered to be an important material, a scientific benevolent one, to properly evaluate the Soviet literary process, address some of the controversial literary problems that have arisen during the independence, and to facilitate literary and scientific research.  The national knowledge, which promotes national ideology and propagandizes the ideology of Azerbaijan, is of great importance in terms of bringing together immigrant intellectuals and thus creating a common picture of immigration.


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Author Biography

Solmaz Memmedova, Bakı Kızlar Universitesi / Azerbeycan

Solmaz Məmmədova

filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru



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How to Cite

Memmedova, S. (2024). Ahmed Caferoglu and his “Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgisi” magazine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND AWARENESS, 2(1), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.33390/ijla.1866



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