A case of language differentiation in terms of Turkic languages

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language change, integration, differentiation, duplication


The article reveals the essence of the term differentiation and describes the approach to this term in world linguistics. The study tried to show the place and importance of this term in linguistics by defining the content and essence of the concept of differentiation, its areas and areas of development in linguistics. At the same time, the areas of differentiation in Turkish dialects in linguistics were explained with examples and the research question was widely discussed. In the study, it is tried to describe differentiation by making comparisons between Turkish dialects. The word differensiasion, of Greek origin, is the process of separating a unit, a whole into parts of thought, and integration, on the contrary, is a means of interaction between the parts and the process of becoming a whole. In linguistics, different studies have been made on this subject, and there are various theoretical information and definitions.
In conclusion, the article defines differentiation and emphasizes the importance of this term in examining
the theoretical foundations and in explaining the reasons for the division of Turkic languages.


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Author Biography

Ruslan Abdullayev, Azerbaycan Milli İlimler Akademisi, Azerbaijan

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How to Cite

Abdullayev, R. (2022). A case of language differentiation in terms of Turkic languages. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND AWARENESS, 1(1), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.33390/ijla.1863



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