Onomasti̇c i̇magery i̇n Nasi̇mi̇’s di̇vans and i̇ts poeti̇c and styli̇sti̇c features
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Nasimi, divan, onomastic, imagery, stylisticAbstract
The great poet of Azerbaijani literature of XIV century Seyid Imadaddin Nasimi subtly using the variety of meanings of the word was an unsurpassed master of the artistic word, able to give a word a new meaning, reduce or expand the possibilities of expression. The poet commented on and interpreted the meanings and forms of writing not only common nouns but also proper names.
Among his interpretations, the poetic meanings that he attached to personal names are especially interesting. His pseudonym (Nasimi), he also gave different philosophical and artistic meanings to his name (Imad), the pseudonym of his predecessor Hafiz Shirazi (Hafiz) and his name (Shamseddin), the pseudonym of his mentor Fazlullah (Naimi), and his names (Shihabeddin, Fazlullah), named after his close friend and like-minded person Aliyyul-A'la (Ali). Nasimi was based on religion (Ali and his various epithets (Asadullah, Shir-i Yazdan, Haydar-i Kerrar, etc.)) and literary names (Nizami and his heroes (Khosrov, Shirin, Shekker ...), Attar, etc. ) as elements of artistic imagination giving them figurative functionality. Although the Hurufit poet resembles his teacher in different names, only Fazlullah is the source of inspiration for his poetic imagination, a name that has led to many poetic and Sufi interpretations. As can be seen in his poetry the literary, historical, and fictitious names are used as elements of poetic art and have a poetic and stylistic feature.
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